IDEA Recognized Disabilities By Terrific Teachers: Jeff, Meghan, Charlie, Greg, Justin, Bintya, Courtney, Caroline M, Jeongmi Shin, Mustafa, Jessica, Dustin, Stefanía, Langhong Liu
Emotional Disturbance Meghan Styles
Strategies (Hulse, 2020)
Clear, Concise, Consistent, Instruction Easy to obtain outcomes followed by positive reinforcement.
Opportunities for Choice Allowing ownership and control of the decision making process. Listening to what the student.
Behavioral Support Aides, and therapist, to help identify and document triggers, as well as teach appropriate coping methods.
Assistive Technology
Yacker Trackers Help monitor noise levels, promoting calm environments. Many kids with emotional disturbances are easily agitated by loud noises. (Lynch, 2018)
Autism by Jeff Webb
Express ideas through digital media - Using assistive communication devices helps students feel more comfortable. Ensure consistent use and easily accessible.text
Differentied Work - Finding a method of learning that helps a child overcome their learning difficulty. Customize work to a students strengths to improve confidence.
Flex Model Use creative learning strategies like videos, making art work, reading together or in groups, or doing puzzles.
Assistive Technology (Hobbs, K.G., 2018)
Mid Tech
devices that help generate speech, basic text to speech
Low Tech
boards and books for communication, picture exchange devices or props
High Tech
iPads, tablets, advanced speech generating devices
by Langhong Liu
"controlling the classroom environment (lighting, sounds, temperature) "(Nicola M. Wayer,Learning Disabilities & Deafness)
considering factors such as motivation, commitment to tasks, and psychological structure that affect students' emotional bejing
"using visual aids to take advantage of students' visual processing and using visual association to help students learn new concepts and language. (Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, 1997)"(Nicola M. Wayer,Learning Disabilities & Deafness)
Invite the parents to school to talk about the student's learning problem, give them suggestions to help their children at home, help them understand the process of special education.