Student Suspected to be 'Struggling'
Signs of Struggling
- Lacks focus
- Indiscipline
- Withdrawal
- Poor memory
- Poor assessments
- Change in behaviour
- Avoidance behaviour
- Aggressive behaviour
- Difficulty staying on task
- Takes longer than normal
Teacher, parent
or student has concerns for a student
Point to Note
New to English: Wait for six months.
New to ISL (without previous services): Wait two months.
Teacher notifies parents about specific classroom concerns and checks the
Support Services document
Initiate: Data Collection (DC) Process
Not Required
Teacher completes the DC Form (link here), which includes student strengths, concerns, anecdotal information and strategies
tried and outcomes of those strategies with rationale
(2 weeks of concise
examples or more)
Teacher sends completed DC to Principal and Support Services (SUPP)
Principal makes a determination.
SUPP notifies student's teachers
Who: Relevant support, Principal, and teacher that completed DC
What: Plan next steps and determines who to include in DC.
Fix date of Meeting 2.
Next Steps: Implement interventions
Data Collection
Process ends
Student Study Team (SST) Meeting 1: Initial Review of DC
Addresses Concern
End of Support/
Not Required
SST Meeting 2: Reviewing Outcomes & Level of Support
Who: All relevant members
What: Review outcomes from plan and determine ongoing support
levels + SUPP placement
Next Steps: Referral to SUPP
or DC ends
No Need For
Further Support
Strategies are successful.
No need for SUPP.
Data Collection Process ends
Not Required
Who: All relevant members
and parents
What: Final referral/ DC meeting
Next Steps: 60 days Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or Support Overviews (SO)
SST Meeting 3: Finalizing Student Support Plan
Strategies are successful.
No need for SUPP (referral).
Data Collection Process ends
No Need For
Further Support
Not Required
- Spotting the signs: How to support students struggling with mental health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- The State of LD: Identifying Struggling Students. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Activity 2: Students with
Special Disabilities
Mohammed Waseem
ISL Learning Support Process
Comprehensive Evidence-based strategies and practices (by Beatriz Cacheda De Paz)
Link here
Learning Environment
Assistive Technology
Differentiated Instruction
What is DI and how
can they can be used?
Link to Waseem's Unit 2
Act 2 Infographic