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Catherine's enlightenment policies, 1762-96 (Foreign threat (Fisher
Shows rhetoric of enlightenment thought no actual substance, "a foot in both camps"
Destruction of mosques, forced conversion, change of physical and social landscape.
pre katherine sees this program of punishment and reward, restrained motivated by the threat of the significant muslim population. not motivated by humanitarian concerns or genuine toleration.
1740, office (the affairs of new converts) created to oversee conversion,
whole villages of Volga Muslims baptised at gun point
Ivan IV,(1547-1584) 16th C Politically motivated toleration, volatile, not acceptance but correction
Peter the Great,(1682-1725) Conversion needed to own land, state concerned Muslims threat if came together, loyalties with the ottoman empire. Reports Christians converting. Violent conversion campaigns, large increase conversion to chiristianity on paper
Enlightenment thought
other enlight policies
Health, med cols, 1782, 1 doc every 26,000,
Smallpox, body on the line in "service of the russian empire"
Welfare, board of public welfare, (1775), , plague riot in 1771 lack of trust of medical profession
patchy, centred around main towns,
Arts, play write, founder of the hermitage, 4000 old masters, trans of european texts, reduction in censorship.
economic achievements
liberal economic policies, free trade and exports and imports over 30 year period up. many more factorie
exports over doubled between 1762 and 93, imports over tripled.
enlightened legislation
1783, Empresses' Manifesto, confirmed a general shift to tolerationin this, state promised to protect the islamic peoples of crimea1795, same thing to the tartars of Poland
Nakaz 1767
first attempt to codify non-christian members of the empire,
overhaul Russian legal code, since 1649
Enlightenment thinking,
All citizens subject to the same laws, Torture banned, No man guilty till chargedbut,
Foreign threat
Abolishment of the office of new converts in Kazan abolishment of a negative policy in order to smooth over relations with Ottoman empire
Burbank and cooper
The Majority of Muslim leaders accepted state authority even though their were conflicting opinions on whether Russia had formed a true "house of Islam",
First Russo-Turkish war (1768-74) , broadened legal basis for toleration , allowed the building of mosques in 1773 in Kazan
tolerated faiths regulated by police ordinances, reinforced autocratic power.
Islamic communities useful to the state if conformed to as strict hierarchy , submitted to domestic chain of command linked to st petersburg, tsarist policy makers saw this process at work in the ottoman empire under the Sultan
Catherine wanted to create a "well ordered european state"
Gained large amounts of territory with Islamic presence, e.g. crimea from ottomans
long lasting revolts, assimilation issues, rebellions, religious overtones
Used toleration as bait and bolt islamic borderlands to Russia
Islamic communities had close ties to Islamic centres in Transoxiana and the middle east
used toleration and insentivisation to russify the crimea
Thinks that toleration was used to create affiliation and therefore increase the states power on its frontiers