As a multiple disabilities student at least has two or more disability. Therefore, their AT support are variety and diversity, should deal with case by case.
AT includes any technological device (e.g. microswitch, vocal output communication aid, tablet, laptop) aimed at enabling children with multiple disabilities with crucial minimal responses allowing them to favorably cope with the outside contexts. Thus, by producing a minimal behavioral response (e.g. eye blinking, small hand closure, slight head turning on one side), a child with severe to profound developmental disabilities will be capable of constructive engagement towards the environment, through the use of the aforementioned technological devices. For instance, by activating a microswitch with arms and/or legs movements a child may autonomously access to preferred stimuli contingently to the microswitch activation, enhancing his/her active role. Furthermore, by using a speech generating device (SGD) a person may ask for social contact with one or more caregivers, who could look for his/her needs Combining a microswitch with an SGD a participant is provided with choice opportunities such as those presented by a computerbased program (CBP) . Else, by adopting a microswitch cluster, one may envisage to pursue the dual objective of improving an adaptive response (e.g. object manipulation) and reducing challenge behavior such as hand mouthing. Otherwise, for children with consciousness disorders dues to post-coma conditions, who emerged from a minimally conscious state, one may design a CBP fostering the opportunity of choices between preferred items and/or eventually the access to literacy process. Finally, for individuals with pervasive developmental disorders such as autism who have, however, a high functioning, self-monitoring programs finalized to increase on-task behavior could be adopted and/or behavioral interventions with the goal of increasing constructive engagement.