A.M. Elictricty
Can Electrecety hurt someone?
How to make home powerd elictrity
How does it make light?
Why does it make heat?
how electricty canhuart you.
PATHOLOGY. High Voltage electric shock or lightning stroke can cause damage to the central nervous system, motor neurons, or peripheral nerves. Lesions can involve the brain or the spinal chord. ... Similarly in the brain, non-specific lesion occur, and gray matter could be affected.
what are the risks of geting electricuted
Any noticeable burn to the skin.
Any period of unconsciousness.
Any numbness, tingling, paralysis, vision, hearing, or speech problems.
Difficulty breathing.
Any electric shock if you're more than 20 weeks' pregnant.
what are the risks of geting rlectricuted
In a fluorescent bulb, electrons transition energy levels in a gas. ... This light is converted to visible light through fluorescence. An incandescent bulb creates light by making a hot filament. In a solid, there are many different energy levels in order to produce all possible colors of light.
How does it make light?
Light is made up of little packets of energy called photons. ... Heat “excites” the electrons inside the atoms and they gain extra energy. This extra energy is then released as a photon. The hotter an object gets, the more photons it gives out.
When the electron gains energy it moves to a higher energy level, then drops back to the ground state releasing its excess energy as light.The upper animation shows how blue (higher energy) light and the animation to the left shows how red (lower energy)light is created.
Matter is made up of atoms and molecules (groupings of atoms) and energy causes the atoms and molecules to always be in motion - either bumping into each other or vibrating back and forth. ... Many different types of energy can be converted into heat energy.
This video shows what home powered electricty is made from.
what does elictricty power
picture of electricty