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to what extent would increasing the amount of rain gardens reduce flooding…
to what extent would increasing the amount of rain gardens reduce flooding and increase water quality.
Flooding creates lots of erosion which is bad for the streets due to more pot holes and eroded curbs. flooding makes it dangerous to travel due to hydroplaning causing complications when people are trying travel during flooded times.
Runoff also contributes to flooding, a frequent and costly natu-ral hazard that is on the rise due to human activity (IPCC 2022). In 2015, the United Nations emphasized the importance of build-ing community resilience to flooding and other natural hazards
Rain Gardens and Rain Gauges
nonpoint source pollution is now the number one cause of water quality impairment in the United States, accounting for the pollution of about 40% of all waters surveyed across the nation
surface coverage
without any green infrastructure flooding and pollution are enormous problems, as 40% of the nations water pollution is due to storm water run off.
Flooding destroys the streets which makes additional costs for the city when they eventually have to repaired said streets from this damage.
a soil berm that allows rainwater to be retained so it absorbs into the soil rather than running off into nearby storm drains.
is a rain garden
Rain Gardens and Rain Gauges
Impervious surfaces can be defined as any material that prevents the infiltration of water into the soil. While roads and rooftops are the most prevalent and easily identified types of impervious surface, other types include sidewalks, patios, bedrock outcrops, and compacted soil.
impervious surface coverage
impervious surfaces can create large amounts of runoff since water can absorb into any of those things. Having water go through plants and vegetables is beneficial as that depollutes the water.
saving the rain
Hydrologic disruption gives rise to physical and ecological impacts. Enhanced runoff causes increased erosion from construction sites, downstream areas and stream banks. The increased volume of water and sediment, combined with the "flashiness" of these peak discharges, result in wider and straighter stream channels. which is caused by impervious surfaces
impervious surface coverage
counter claim
Takes a long to to completely construct also requires lots of money and Manuel labor such as 5-15$ sq ft not counts the amount for buying the plants.
Although this may cost a high amount there are a few government programs which would actually fund the creation of rain gardens. The National Science Foundation last month announced it would award ABSMaterials a $489,000 grant to help the company figure out the best way to build Osorb rain gardens and to document how well they work.
rain rain flow away
when the storm drains overflow they leak back into the streets which further adds to pollution and is flooding the streets these problems aren't one single issue as they all tie into each other.