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Unemployment - Coggle Diagram
Types of unemployment
Structural unemployment
Occurs when there is a mismatch between the skills of the workforce and the requirements of available jobs
Real wage unemployment
When wages are too high, leading to job cuts or an unwillingness to hire
Causes of unemployment
Increased population
As the number of people looking for jobs increases, it becomes more difficult to arrange employment, so demand will be increasing at a rate faster than supply
Measures of unemployment
Claimant count
A measure of unemployment based on the number of people who are claiming unemployment-related benefits, such as Jobseeker's allowance
Contribution based JSA- If you have paid 2 years of National Insurnace contributions, you can be paid JSA whatever your income and savings, for 6 months
Income based JSA- Paid to those in low incomes and with low savings. If you haven't made sufficient contributions, you can still be eligible for this