Ultimately, the Protestant Reformation, spearheaded by Martin Luther, not only challenged the authority of the papacy, and transformed views on salvation and human nature, but also laid the groundwork for the rise of nationalism in Europe, fundamentally reshaping the religious and political landscape of the time, while John Calvin’s contributions, though significant, were ultimately built upon Luther’s pioneering vision.
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Secondly, another outcome (secondary outcome) of the Protestant Reformation—namely, the rise of nationalism of European principalities and the influence of the Renaissance on religion—were primarily guided by Martin Luther, as evidenced by his opposition to centralized authority. Although John Calvin made significant contributions to the nationalist and regional autonomy in Geneva, none of this would have been possible without Martin Luther’s pioneering leadership.
European Nationalism
Marin Luther
Luther and German Princes (Frederick III, Elector of Saxony)
Frederick utilizes Protestant Reformation as a tool to assert their independence from both the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope
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First, regarding the goals of the Protestant Reformation—challenging authority and the declination of papacy—Martin Luther’s ideas on the revolution of Christianity, including his views on salvation, human nature, and opinions on God, were more advanced, beneficial, radical and transformative than those of John Calvin.
Opinion towards God
Martin Luther
If God don’t hate sin, then it’s contradiction to the fact that God loves kindness and goodness
Maintain a wholehearted commitment to kindness, reverence for God, and respect for those around you, while preserving independent thought without resorting to unkind actions
Compared to the Church, Martin Luther sought to portray God as a more benevolent and just figure
John Calvin
Compared to the Church, John Calvin depicted God as a figure with equal authority and power, aiming to inspire obedience through fear
Views on Salvation
Martin Luther
Baptism is only effective for those who possess complete, unwavering faith in God
To restore the original ideals and principles of Christianity, it was emphasized that Christian faith is directed toward God, not the Pope.
John Calvin
Salvation=faith, which generates the motivation to work
faith is always accompanied by works-- Calvin’s idea that faith must be accompanied by works, while important to his theology, was less radical in dismantling the Church’s system.
By reintroducing a close relationship between faith and works, Calvin’s doctrine somewhat reasserted a form of moral or behavioral obligation, which could be seen as less of a departure from the Church’s teachings
Human Nature
Martin Luther
Salvation is not obtained from the Pope by means of money or power, but by the ultimate will of God
John Calvin
If a man's sin and his salvation are determined by God from the beginning of his birth, why should he still believe in God instead of directly paying the Pope money to get exchange of salvation?