2. proximity of relationship: if it is a relationship between parent/child, husband/wife, finance/ fiancee > presumption of a relationship of close ties and affection. If D knew that, although C falls into presumed category of love and affection, they were not close and can adduce evidence to that effect can rebut application of the presumption. If not in the categories, C must prove a close relationship of love and affection existed,
Proximity in time and space and perception: C must be present at accident or its immediate aftermath; AND must see or hear the accident, or its immediate aftermath with own senses. If you see family in hospital straight after accident and they are in same condition = may satisfy test, but not if in mortuary 8 hrs later. must perceive via their own senses.
exception to last condition > if broadcasters broke code and transmitted images of recognisable individuals suffers may amount to intervening act.