Osteoporosis: is a group of diseases in which bone resorption exceeds deposit; matrix remains normal but the bone mass declines; spongy bone of spine and neck of femur are most susceptible (making vertebral and hip fractures the most common; Risk factors are: aged or postmenopausal women, affects 30% of women aged 60-70 years and 70% by age 80, estrogen plays a role in bone density, so when levels drop at menopause, women run a higher risk; men are less prone due to protection by the effects of testosterone;infussifient exercise to stress bones, poor diet in calcium and protein, smoking, genetics, hormone related conditions, consumption of alcohol or certain medications; Treatments: calcium, vitamin D, supplements, weight bearing exercise, hormone replacement therapy, drugs; Preventing: calcium, reduction of alcohol and carbonated beverages, plenty of weight bearing excercise