Chapter 1: People in Business

Types of business

Commercial Business

Business provides a product or service and aims to make a profit.
E.G Apple, SuperValu, Bank of Ireland, FBD Insurance and Tesco

Non-Commercial Business

Business puts people and the community ahead of profit.
E.G Charities and the GAA

Stakeholders in Business

Individuals and organisations, affected by the action, Objectives and policies of a business. Main stakeholders include.


Person who spots a gap in the market, comes up with an idea that can be turned into a business. Takes financial and personal risks when setting up a business. Hopes to earn profit


People or organisations that provide the entrepreneur with the capital (money) needed to establish and operate the business.
Type of capital include

Loan Capital

Takes out loan from a lender such as a bank, borrowed money must be paid back with interest


Money given to a business by agencies such as a Local Enterprise Office (LEO)

Equity Capital

Money invested in a business by individuals or other businesses. These investors become part-owners and are entitled to dividends
E.G Founders of innocent drinks received €280,000 from a private investor


An employer recruits staff to enable the organisation to carry out its business, THey are responsible for providing safe working conditions for employees, paying weekly wages or salaries
E.G Aer Lingus employs pilots to fly planes. Pilots receive a salary
Centra workers receive a wage


Recruited by the employer to work in the business in return for a wage/salary.
E.G Google has many employees for different roles, admin staff, engineers and software programmers


A producer takes raw materials and transforms them during the manufacturing process into finished products.
E.G Butlers Chocolates, uses milk, sugar and cocoa


People who buy goods and services for their personal use, The entrepreneur carries out market research to find out likes and dislikes. Ensures needs are satisfied.
E.G Purchasing any sort of ticket for any events or holidays


Responsible for the day-to-day running of the business and ensures that the firm achieves its goals. Skills such as leading an communicating to manager employees and interact with other stakeholders.


Firms that provide raw materials to the business.
E.G Suppliers from countries such as Honduras and Costa Rica provide Innocent Drinks with the fruits needed to make their juices and smoothies

Service Provider

A service provides services. Service Providers tend to operate in the services/tertiary sector of the economy,
E.G Banks & Insurance firms


Govern the country, imposes taxes on businesses, i.e Corporation tax. Taxes are used to invest in infrastructure
E.G Schools, Healthcare & Bike sheds.
Some agencies provide financial support to entrepreneurs
E.G Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Office LEO

Local Community/Society

Individuals, households and organisations that are located close to the business. A CSR (Corporate and Social Responsibility) strategy to ensure that they behave in a responsible manner towards the local community.
E.G Kenco Coffee provide training to young people at risk of falling into a gang life

Interest Groups

Group of people who meet and campaign for a common goal. TO have more power, skills and capital when they work together.
Interests groups use a variety of techniques when campaigning to influence decision-makers.
E.G Boycotting, negative public campaigns and lobbying
Many types of Interest groups.

Boycotting: Refuse to buy good or services, to show dissatisfaction. Because of exploitation

Lobbying: Involves trying to persuade decision-makers to support laws or rules that give an advantage to you industry

Business Interest Groups

Represent interests of business owners

IBEC (Irish Business and Employer's Confederation)

Aims to influence decision-makers such as governments, sceity and the EU on issues affecting its members.
E.G Taxation and Transport
ALso provides advice and support to its members in areas such as industrial relations

ISME (Irish Small and Mediums Enterprises Association)

Represents the views os small and medium-sized business owners in ireland. It lobbies on issues affecting its members.
E.G The impact on business if the government raises the minimum wage