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Global Population Growth
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Global Population Growth
Empowering Women
Economic stability reduces the need of a larger family. Living in a era with a strong economy can provide more opportunities for jobs and education.
As education levels get better. Women will Mary later tend to have less children witch leads to the population growth stopping.
industrial revolution
The industrial revolution brought many new technological advances. Steam Engine, Electricity, medicine, Vaccines, sanitation(underground sewer systems)
Infant Mortality Rate
less children die ending them to live to adult hood and have children of their own. Average age of death goes up so less people are dying and more people are getting born
Agricultural revolution
Agricultural Revolution
During the 1700's ish the humans started applying technology to farming this met more food per area of land. More food means better nutrition witch increased life expectancy, so the global population standard go up.
Social Attitudes
in Central African Republic the average family size is really high compared to Canada with. 8.6 people per house hold. that is almost 7 children per 2 parents.
In U.S.A the average family size is of 3 people per household this means that 2 people are terming into 1 this means the population is decreasing.
Age of population
As you can see here the population of Japan is all an older age witch means ass soon as they die there population will start to decrease quickly. But in Mexico most of the population is young so it is going to grow really quickly because most of those teens are going to start having kids.