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Global Population Growth - Coggle Diagram
Global Population Growth
Health Care
Infant Mortality
Less children die, enabling them to live to adult hood and have children of their own. Average age of death goes up so less people are dying.
Agricultural revolution
During the 1700's ish humans started to apply technology to farming. This meant more food per area of land. More food means better nutrition which increased life expectancy, so the global population started to go up.
Industrial revolution
So the new technology in farming meant less people had to work as farmers. They moved to the city for jobs in factors, usually making fabric. The industrial revolution brought many new technology advances. Steam Engine. Electricity, medicine, vaccines, sanitation (underground sewer systems)
Empowering Woman
Making more money gives less reason for large families. It enables more education and job opportunities causing more works to join work forces in turn making the economy grow, and population growth slow.
As people get more access to education and marriage, age of having kids will go up. People marry older and have less children cause fertility rate to go down.