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image, (Niger is a country with a really high norm for having a lot of…
Industrial revolution
The new technology in farming meant less people had to work as farmers. They moved to the city for jobs to be factors, usually making fabric. The industrial revolution brought many new technological advances. Steam engine, Electricity. Medicine, vaccines, sanitation(underground sewer systems)
Agricultural revolution
During the 1700's ish humans started to apply technology no farming, this meant more food per area of land. More food means better nutrition which increased life expectance, so the global population started to go up.
The proportions of younger and older peoples in a population affect how fast it grows. Countries with peoples the ages of 15-45 will increase in population quicker than other countries.
A country like Japan would increase their population slower than other countries population has more old peoples, so peoples would be dying more than peoples are being born.
Countries like Mexico's population will grow faster because the average age of the population of the countries is younger so less peoples would be dying and more peoples are being born.
Different cutlers have different norms for family size. If a big family size is normal in a culture, the population growth rate may be higher.
Canada Is a country with a norm for a smaller family size.
This is one of the reasons that Canadas population is so low in comparison to its size.
Empowering women
When the level of education increases, especially for women, the average marriage age increases along with it. In addition, women who marry later, have fewer children, witch lower the birth rate.
Economic stability lowers the the need for a bigger family. Living in a country with a higher economy can provide you with the opportunity's for a higher paying job or a better level of education.
Niger is a country with a really high norm for having a lot of kids and that is one of the reasons that the population is high in comparison to its size.