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Industrial revolution
In the mid 1700's, the industrial revolution was a change in when people used technology and factory's as a job in the city's. Mostly making fabrics and other goods. Since the industrial revolution was a big part of our civilization today, the factory's wages were higher, and more people like farmers went to go work in the factory's.
Infant mortality rate
Better health would mean less baby's die at a young age. Meaning the death rate will go down and the life expectancy will go up.
Agricultural revolution
People never found out that farming existed until now. Everyone just used to hunt for animals and that's the only way we mainly got food until when people used the seeds from the fruits and crops they get and replant it. This makes us to have way more food and its way more efficient then hunting, and since there is more food, there will be more people and population growth. And this also creates more jobs too.
Empowering woman
If people have a higher and better education, the economic stability goes up. Making the fertility rate (Average births per woman) goes down. This happens because if women has a good education and job (as I said) their money and economic stability goes up. Ultimately choosing to have a smaller family.
Economic stability means people have the resources to a healthy life meaning that reduces the require to have a big family, making the life expectancy to be higher. But the cost of a healthy goes up too.
Age of population
Country's with a high percent of younger people will probably grow faster than country's that has a high percent of old people. For example if India has more population of old people, and Sweden has more population of young people. Sweden will most likely grow faster in population becuase
Social cultural attitude
Other cultures will have different family sizes. Since the normal amount of people in a family in Sudan is 5.5 people compared to America's 3 people per family. But in America the life expectancy is way higher than Sedan's, resulting in the Death rate in America to be lower and its the opposite with Sudan. This happens because other country's and cultures has different beliefs of what a normal sizes family is.