



IYamlModelRegularRelationship | IYamlModelSecurityRelationship

IYamlDimensionRegularRelationship | IYamlSecurityRelationship

IYamlSnowflakeRelationship | IYamlEmbeddedRelationship | IYamlSecurityRelationship

All Inherit

  • IUniqueNameObject

All possess

  • from
  • to

conditionally contain

  • type

All Inherit

  • IUniqueNameObject

All possess

  • from
  • to

conditionally contain

  • type


YamlSchemaValidatorWrapper contains a SchemaValidator which applies JSON validation

Our desired process

  1. Clone file
  2. Extract undesired properties (i.e. orphan relationships)
  3. Validate desired properties
  4. Attach appropriate errors for the "undesired properties"
  5. Return a validationOutputResult

What we have implemented

clone file

extract undesired properties

validate desired properties

attach errors

returning original error result

We just return the result we have modified above



  • Validation Result
  • Is validation result pure function or boolean
  • Transform validation result pure function
  • list of undesired properties
  • clone of original file



validation result is a boolean (indicating we passed "result.isValid")

we should return the original result.

Validation result is a function

We should call it on the result and see if it is valid

Result is not valid

Result is valid

We return the result itself as the undesired properties either have no effect, or the validation function tell us we don't need extra errors.

We apply the transform validation result pure function on the result and return it.

We use CloneUtil to Deep clone

We have constructed the following functions to facilitate

applyFilterFn(params: {result, undesiredPRoperties, file} ) => IYamlObjectSchemaValidatorResponse

filterRelationshipsFromModel(model) =>IYamlObjectSchemaValidatorResponse

As well as similar Fns for dimensions

We have defined 2 validate validation result functions for model and dimension result validation

There is an "applyErrors" function which is used by the transform functions for model and dimension to apply errors passed to it.


What type of relationships do we have?

Models and Dimensions

When validating dimensions or model relationships:

Are the defined interfaces we have "sources of truth"?

Can I make my validation functions around these interfaces, or are there "validation rules" documented somewhere for these objects.

Why is there a test that says:

For each IYamlRelationType enum: we should receive NO errors.


`` EnumUtil.getAllValues(YamlDimensionRelationType).forEach((t) => { it(Should return NO error if relation type is "${t}"`, () => {
const parsedFile = YamlDimensionBuilder.create()
.addRelationship({ type: t as YamlDimensionRelationType })
const result = validateAML(parsedFile);

