Exam Findings: BP 146/82, HR 88, RR 18, 10 lbs loss from 1 yr ago. PMH compensated HFpEF, HTN, mild OA, PM. Social hx: 30+ yr smoking, quit age 50. Meds: Amlodipine 10mg daily, Lasix 20mg daily, Tylenol, NyQuil PM, Pepto PRN.
Dr. Balgrist asks if Susanna will agree to being asked specific questions (MMSE) and she agrees (reluctantly)
Susanna possibly in denial - fear of being placed in nursing home. Reluctance - could be anxiety/worry. She could refuse the test; however, concern would have been decisional capacity if she refused test.
MMSE Results:
Scoring: Total score 19/30. Concern for moderate dementia. Problem areas: 4/5 on orientation. Recall. Attention/calculation. 3-stage command
Agrees to discuss results with Carline. Weight loss = concerning. Plasma lipid profile not normal but not horrible. No new meds needed. Arrange for visiting nurse to help make a plan to cope with ADL and adherence to medications. "Meals on Wheels" -- delivery of healthy meals to seniors
Susanna's memory is moderately impaired. Possible Alzheimer's disease. Carline is upset. How do you know her memory impairment is Alzheimer's and not something else? Is there a type of memory loss more common in people with high BP than in those who do not have high BP and high cholesterol? Is the doctor assuming it is AD based on their race? Medications interfering with memory? Is there a drug that slows memory loss in people with early onset AD? Would she be a good candidate for this medication Clinical trials for this medication did not include significant # of Black people. Latest literature?
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