food security and sustainability
social science
sustainable farming practices
social science
command economy
class activity
groups need to do different product to produce
provide them with all material they need
devide students into small groups
obsrve how well students comprehend economic topic
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introduce the pineaple market day and explain and explain needs and wants and also goods and services within an economy
understanding the fundermentals of products , services, needs and wants in the economy
acknowledge many responsibilities within an economy
critical thinking abilities
big pictures of various fruits
prices tags
chairs and tables
market economy
ni individual freedom
no private property
central planning
controlled by government
price control
natural science
soil erosion
nutrients loss
ground water polution
class activity
examine the attribute of health ecosystem
recognise elements that make up an ecosystem
explain the importance of ecosystem
talk about features of healthy ecosystem
ask learners on what they learned about and reflect on it
agricultural ennovation
food processing
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class activity
introduce sustainable farming concepts practice to students and and technology role in its
talk about vertical farming and precision agriculture
ask students to precision agricultural methods like sensors ,and data analysis.
incoporate components of vertical farming such as LED lights
motivate students to use creative skills
ask learners to reflect on what they have made
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explain the concepts of ecosystem and ecology to the class
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sustainable farming practice is to preserve and enhance soil fertility , save the environment , and increase the amount of natural resources on earth sustainable agriculture aim is to achieve several objectives , including increase in profit income and encourage good environmental management
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reduce disporsal meterial
reduce impact on environment
the use of machinery , energy and tools to convert agriculture goods including grains ,meats , vegetables , fruits and milk into food ingredients or processed food
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class activity
list and describe the many food processing techniques .and recognise the significanse of food processing for food preservation and safety
material used glue or tape, scissors ,pencils or markers ,printed photos of food, white board and markers and A3 white papers
ask students to demonstrate what they observe