Diagnosis and Treatment:
Diagnosis: A good test to perform in order to diagnosis influenza is a rapid flu test (RIDT). This can provide results within approximately 15 minutes and test for influenza strains A and B. An RIDT are immunoassays that utilize antibodies against the nucleoproteins of influenza strains A and B viruses to detect influenza viral antigens. RIDTs use a digital analyzer reader device to standardize result interpretation. They have higher sensitivities and it is better to have this test done at the start of symptoms. This test was chosen because of its high sensitivity and high specificity that will provide higher positive and negative
predictive values.
Treatment: Influenza can be treated with antivirals, bed rest, anti-fever reducers, and lots of water. You want to asses the patient and determine if antivirals are needed to be given. Antivirals are prescription only drugs and the most common one given is Oseltamivir phosphate, or known as the generic version, Tamiflu. This prescription is usually taken twice daily for 5 days. Although antivirals are given for treatment for flu, most people are just recommended lots of bed rest, fluids, and anti-fever reducing over the counter medications. Antivirals are given to someone who is immunocompromised, has a chronic disease or at risk for developing one, or showing extreme symptoms. For this case, we would recommend Tylenol or Ibuprofen to control the fever, and lots of bed rest and fluids to stay hydrated and let her immune system fight off this virus.
Education: We would like to inform Arianna on how to manage her symptoms, how to avoid this from happening again, and what she should do if her symptoms worsen. I would explain to her to monitor her fever the most and maker sure it does not go above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I would also tell her to keep an eye out on her breathing and make sure she doesn't have trouble breathing or if it gets faster. If she experiences either of these, she would be instructed to call her doctor immediately. To recover fast and well, Arianna needs to rest her body and drinking plenty of fluids. Her body is having an immune inflammatory response and in order to help herself, she needs to do minimum physical activity and make sure she is well hydrated. I would explain to lessen her chances of getting this virus again is getting an annual flu shot before flu season and do not drink or eat after people as influenza is spread by inhalation of droplet nuceli, which is how she got it in the first place.