IP Awareness and Technopreneurship Caravan
Registration - 1) Participants are already listed
Registration - 1) Late arrival of participants; 2) Non-attendance of target participants; Non-inlcusion of other participants in the official list
Registration - Information of participants are available for future use.
Registration - 1) Uninvited participants in the event
Program - 1) There's available venue and well ventilated; 2) The sound system is good; 3) Supportive Campus Administrators; 4) The hosting is good and the ice breaker is fun.
Program - 1) Compressed program; 2) Non-inclusion of the Campus Director in the program proper (speakership); 3) Slides for presentation are not audience friendly; 4) Contents of presentation are lacking of some information and contains errors. 5) Program were not brought in the three campuses; 6) Speakers do not adhere to the time limit allotment; 7) Flow of the program were not followed (Dipolog); 8) No token provided to the CDs
Program - 1) It makes future Sidlak TBI Activities more engaging and align to the audiences; 2) We have seen new topics for building entrepreneurial mind and recruiting future startups in the TBI; 3) Evaluation form should be online and accompanied by Certificate of Appearance upon filling out!
Program - 1) Non-inclusion of Campus Director in the program; No courtesy to CDs upon arrival of the team in the Campus.
Preparation - 1) Other offices are willing to provide for the TBI.
Preparation - 1) Uninformed CDs on the activity; 2) Lacking of equipment and printing resources; 3) No Directory of each Campus; 4) Lack streamlining of priority tasks or documents for the conduct of activity; 5) Promotion should be consistent as to branding; 6) Cash advances were not released on time; 7) Short time in preparing the documents for the event; 8) Late feedbacking of outputs for submission; 9) Decision is making is different from the PL and KTTO;
Preparation - 1) Chance of replanning and recalibrating activity schedules; 2) Able to connect with CDs; 3) Realization that there are several resources that are lacking for use of the team.
Speakers - 1) Knowledgeable on the topic; 2) Always available; Modulation of voice (Yhebron)
Speakers - 1) Poor time management (Corina and Yhebron); 2) No other speakers for TBI; 3) Do not adhere to the clothing protocol (Yhebron); 4) Non-alignment of views and opinions about the TBI; 5) Termsheets for the speakers are not provided; 6) No letters provided for the speakers; 7) No certificates provided for the speakers; 8) Technical terms are used during awareness campaign; 9) Adjustment of speaking engagement
Speakers - 1) Selecting appropriate speakers with all the necessary invitation documents.
Speakers - 1) No network of speakers and partners.
Team - 1) Attendance is complete (Siocon Campus); 2) The team are participative and has initiatives
Team - 1) Incomplete attendance of TBI members; 2) No roles designated for each team member of the activity; 3) Not fully knowledgeable about the TBI; 4)
Team - 1) Reecho among members information about the TBI; 2) TBI members can be a good source of resource speakers;
Team - 1) Lack of involvement may frustrate team members as to the roles.