The Giver

Chapter 3

Asher can't catch an apple. ''It jumps out of my hands onto the ground.''p.31

Father bring Gabe back home. '' It was the first thing... look at the new child.''p.25

Jonas remembered that he had felt strange when he threw an apple. ''Ash, does anything seem strange to you''p.31

Mother doesn't want Lily to be a Birthmother because she would have to work very hard after being a Birthmother. "Three lazy years, and then hard physical labor...''p.27

Lily wants to be a Birthmother. ''I hope I get assigned to be a Birthmother.''p.27

: : :

Chapter 8

Jonas was chosen to be the Receiver, and he is happy but nervous. ''No, I don't, I can't.''

Chief Elder gives instruction to what Receiver needs to do. ''

Chapter 9



Chapter 12



The Giver knew Jonas can see the color red now. ''You were beginning to see the color red.''

Jonas can see color red now. ''You were probably beginning to see the color red.''

Chapter 14


The Giver




Chapter 16

The Giver gave Jonas the feeling. "


Jonas like the feeling of love. "I like the feeling of love, said Jonas"p.158

Mother think Jonas using the word love is strange

She thinks releasing Gabriel is a good thing. "Maybe it would before the best." p.144

Getting the memory of the sail." ...on Gabriel's back, and released the rest of..." p.147

Recieved the memory from the giver. "he was in the Annex room again." p.137

Gave Jonas the memory of bone break." He was in the Annex room again..." p.137

Hoping Gabriel won't be realeased. "I hope they're not going to decide to release him" p.146

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