Globlal population growth rate image

social Cultural Attitude


Agricultural Revolution

Agricultural Revolution
In about 1700 humans started to apply technology to farming this meant more food could be grown per area of land. More food equals heathier people equals more population.

Industrial Revolution

Infant mortality rate

Because of new tech in farming less people needed to work as a farmer. So the shift began from the farm to the city.
People moved to the city to get jobs in the new factories running on the steam power created by burning coal. Amazing new technology was created in the city. The steam engine, generated electricity by burning coal and creating steam, new medicine and vaccines, better nutrition, underground sewer systems, flush toilets. All these advances in technology meant people were living longer and the infant mortality began to decrease, so the population of the plant grew very fast. Fast global growth rate.

Where people have access to hospitals, doctors, and health services, more children are lickly to survive to adult hood. Better healthcare can increase the growth rate.


Age of the population


A normal family size is different depending on where you live because culture has a huge impact of fertility. If a family is trying to have kids and now there health is better they will end up having more kids without them dying.

Empowering Women

When women get good access to education they more empowered to get a good job and this usually means they get married later in life and have fewer children. Wealthy countries tend to have smaller family's. When poor countries tend to have larger family's.






If women have good access to education they will stay in school longer and get married at an older age and therefore have fewer children. If the opposite is true and women are discriminated against and not give access to a good education their only option is to get married younger and have a man support them. Therefore having more children.
Health Care (Infant Mortality)


Canada and Kenya: In Canada a normal number of kids per mom is about two to three kids but in other countries such as Kenya the Average number of kids per mom is around 6.




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Japan = old


Mexico = young

If a country has many younger people between the ages of 15 and 45 the population will grow QUICKER THAN A COUNTRY THAT HAS AN OLDER POPULATION OVER THE AGE OF 50