And of Clay Are
We Created
by. 봄해서정

*character 👥*

Theme 📄

Rolf Carle

Summary 🖊

The beginning

A girl named Azucena is buried in a dirt pit. She is sent to the air. Rolf was with her the whole time. He didn't expect to find fragments of his past.

The story of Azucena and Rolf

Geologists predict volcanic eruptions, but people don't pay attention. The volcano erupts and the catastrophe begins. Millions of people and livestock buried under the earth.

Other reporters were frightened by the horrors of the dirt pit, but not Rolf. He had the courage and tenacity to cover the story. But Rolf was not a brave man. The camera lens gave him a special power.

The story of narrator (Me)

I lived with Rolf. Rolf quickly got ready and went out. I believe he will return tomorrow and do not feel a bad premonition.

Rolf was the first person to discover Azucena. Azucena tried to move but falls deeper. Rolf pulled himself out and made his way to her.

Rolf tried to talk to Azucena and succeeded in getting a line on her arm, but was prevented from getting out by the collapsing rubble and her siblings clinging to her.

Rolf asked the soldiers for help, but there were many other victims, so the soldiers left. Rolf thinks of a way to get the water out, but the pump won't arrive until tomorrow morning.

Rolf said he didn't have time, but it was chaotic and he had no choice. Rolf reassureed Azucena.

Rolf helped Azucena. Azucena talked about her life. This made Rolf feel optimistic. Rolf thought about a gift for Azucena when she escapes and recovers.

Rolf told Azucena his story, reassuring her late into the night.

I cut to the place where I was working with Rolf. I was able to feel a little bit of Rolf's life. While other reporters were looking for footage to influence the news, I was looking for Azucena's footage. Feeling a sense of distance from Rolf.

I work until I'm dizzy for Rolf. Crying, exhausted. Like looking at a star that died a million years ago.

I spring the harsh environment of the site of the event.

Rolf no longer saw Azucena through a camera lens. While many reporters took a pathetic sense of responsibility, Rolf stroved for Azucena. A priest blessed her.

Azucena started crying when it started raining. Rolf comforted her.

Reporters started bringing in more equipment. In the meantime, Rolf asked for a pump. Rolf helped Azucena endured the pain.

I hear Rolf telling Azucena the story I told Rolf.

On the second day, Rolf sang an Austrian folk song to Azucena. Rolf's old memories came flooding back. He couldn't tell Azucena everything.

Rolf saw his mother's shameful behavior during the war between Europe. Rolf and his sister Katharina were abused by their father. Rolf felt stuck in the past, even though he was not tied to it.

Rolf springed his mom. His mom made him carry a shovel for the dead.

Azucena comfortd a crying Rolf.

President visits town, mourns. Soldiers mercilessly shoot people who steal something and commit a sin. Bishops say Mass at a place where many people have died.

The President went to see Azucena. Rolf asked for a pump. The president told him not to worry about it because it was a matter of personal interest.

Rolf and Azucena became each other's emotional support and source of strength. Rolf accepted the pain of Azucana's dying. Azucena said she was sad to leave without anyone who loves her, but Rolf said he loved her more than anyone else in the world.

Azucena gave up her life and closed her eyes like a flower in the mud in front of countless cameras.

Rolf watched Azucena's videos and thought about himself in ways he hadn't thought of before. I wait for Rolf. Until we can walk hand in hand again.

Human vulnerability: Azucena being trapped in the mud and waiting for rescue symbolizes how powerless humans can be in the face of nature’s immense forces. The situation highlights the fragility of human life when confronted with uncontrollable circumstances.

Life and death: Death is portrayed as an inevitable reality in the story. Azucena’s death is unavoidable, yet her final moments are profoundly human and moving. The story delves into how people emotionally respond to death and come to terms with it.



middle-aged reporter

Find his old memories from tlaking with Azucena

She lives with Rolf

She miss him who always go out because of the filming things

a woman who has many times said goodbye to Rolf as he has gone off to cover important stories

Working hard at everything:
He took exessive risks as an exercise of courage, training by day to conquer the monsters that tormented him by night.

Helped Azucena till the end

Survivors of the cataclysm

Eventually drown in the mud: She sank slowly, a flower in the mud.

means "Lily" in English

13 years old

As the story begins, she has just been found, and a rescue effort is underway

She never traveled outside her small village

never know what is the "Love"

Called "an example to the nation.' by president

the fist reporter who reach to Aucena

He stays beside her for three days and nights to keep her

He was abused by his dad

He realized that Azucena can not be rescued

Before Azucena died, he told her how he loved her

She can read every emotion in his face and begins to feel what he feels

She watched every television and she helped to Rolf could get a pump for Azucena

She thinks Rolf get some strage effects through the camera lens

In the last part of the story, she tells Carlé that after he overcomes this painful experience, he will be stronger.