The story begins at high noon, signified by the chiming of a bell, for a moment all is quite which slowly broken up by the sounds of tumbleweed, rustling, gusts of wind and horses in the distance. The characters exchange dialogue. It is clear that this is the result of some sort of argument or rivalry however it is left a mystery as to why exactly we are here now. A younger character is portrayed as our protagonist, someone who is easy to support, likeable and strong. He seems confident in what is coming ahead. On the other hand, the other voice is an older, mature, stern character who remains cold with only hints of emotions. They converse mainly about the problem at hand, the young one seems keen in the current state of affairs however the older one sheds hints of anxiety, deterring the event from occurring. A slow method cock of a revolver is first heard in the distance, in response we hear a fast, frantic cock. Another moment of silence and ambience climaxes at the sound of a bullet and a faint, almost undetectable sound of a body slumping the ground in the distance.