1215 - Dyniaethau, Iechyd a Lles
Nia Lynn Jones


Wedi cael ein ysgrifennu gan athrawon

4 Diben

  • yn gyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol (enterprising, creative contributors)
  • yn unigolion iach, hyderus (Healthy, confident individuals)
  • yn ddinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus (Ethical, informed citizens)
  • yn ddysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog (Ambitious, capable learners)

Ready to play a full part in life and work

Ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

Ready to learn throughout their lives

Ready ro be citizens of Wales and the world

Dyniaethau (Humanities)

  1. Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future

Iechyd a Lles

  1. Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.

Camau Cynnydd

Beth plant dyle bod yn gallu gwneud syniad

  • Mae nhw i helpu ti i cynllunio DIM am asesu.
  • Hanes
  • Daearyddiaeth
  • Crefydd, Gwerthoedd a Moeseg
  • Astudiaethau Busnes
  • Chymdeithaseg

pwrpas - Mae plant yn deall sut mae pobl, ymunedau, diwylliant, tirwedd, adnoddau a diwydiannau Cymru yn ymweud a gweddill y byd. An opportunity to understand how Welsh people, communities, cultures, landscapes, resources and industries connect with the rest of the world.



Dealltwriaeth o'r cwricwlwm


Technoleg, llythrennedd a rhifedd


Mercher 20 Tachwedd 2024 - aseiniad A - 12pm

Mercher 26 Mawrth 2025 - aseiniad B - 12pm

Cynllunio ymweliad addysgol i safle sydd yn cysylltu gyda'r Dyniaethau: Creu cynllun gweithgareddau anodegig ar gyfer yr ymweliad.

Dylid gwneud cysylltiadau a darllen cefndirol, y Cwricwlwm i Gymru a theoriau ysgolheigaidd sydd yn ymwneud a'r defnydd o deithiau addysgol er mwyn datblygu sgiliau dysgwyr.

Cer i weld y gweithgareddau

Dewis pan mor hir

Pa sgiliau? Bant o dyniaethau - pam?

  1. Profiadau
  1. Gwybodaeth
  1. Sgilliau
  1. Pam?
  1. Sut?
  1. Beth?

Mae plant yn cofio trips ysgol

  • Trips - eisteddfod....
  1. Events and human experiences are complex, and are perceived, interpreted and represented in different ways.
  1. Out natural world is diverse and dynamic, influenced by processes and human actions.
  1. Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs.
  1. Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and we are able to take considered and ethical action.
  1. How we process and respond to our experiences affects our mental health and emotional well-being.
  1. Our decision-making impacts on the quality of our lives and the lives of others.
  1. How we engage with social influences shapes who we are and affects our health and well-being.
  1. Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being.

Progression Steps

  1. I can, through play, explore, discover and being to ask simple questions and offer possible answers based on previous experiences.
  1. I have been curious and made suggestions for possible enquiries and have asked and responded to a range of question during an enquiry.
  1. I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas and frame enquiries.

Cefnogi dysgwyr i ddeall a gweethfawrogi sut mae gwahanol elfennau iechyd a lles yn gysylltiedig a'i gilydd

Iechyd a datblygiad y corff, iechyd meddwl, a lles emosiynol a chymdeithasol