Subtopic 1: How to sustain vegetable growth
Subtopic 2: How vegetables grow
Subtopic 1: Agricultural practice
Subtopic 2: Food security
Subtopic 1: Agricultural Technology
Subtopic 2: Food processing and preservation
Key concept: Having the correct exposure to sunlight is key in growing vegetables, most vegetables requires 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. (v. Emily, 2023/12/04)
Key concept: There are many benefits to growing your own vegetables ate home. Saving money with every harvest and quality control over nutritional value. (wonder Expert plants, August, 7,2023)
Activity: Create a small experiment in class to show learners the growth of a bean for example and the water, compost and sunlight it needs to thrive.
Activity: Have a local farmer come to class and have them talk to the learners about the importance of growing vegetables and how to do so successfully.
Key concepts: What are the processes used in growing vegetables. Are you making use of modern techniques or traditional techniques.( Agriculture Fundamentals)
Key concept: The importance of having a healthy diet and vegetables take front seat to that. and addressing food security. (
Activity: Set up a role play activity where learners come to school dressed as farmers and act out the chain reaction from planting to selling the vegetables at a market and then cooking, for them to get a better understanding of the chain supply and economic aspect of the vegetable industry.
Activity: Bring different kinds of cooked vegetables stews and let the learners try it out and give feedback on what they prefer
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Key concepts: Exploring the use of technology in vegetable farming such as sensor-based monitoring systems and automated farming equipment. ( Scholar google)
Activity: Take learners to a farm where they can have first hand experience with farming and seeing the different kinds of machines used in production.
Key concept: Investigating technologies used in processing and preserving vegetables, including methods like freezing,canning and dehydrating.
Activity: Have learners blind folded and let them taste different kinds of vegetables and let them guess, this will develop their senses in touching the vegetables and tasting it.
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