Differences Between Highschool and College

In Highschool I had no motivation

Now in college, I found My purpose

Now I have a Routine

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I am more Intentional with what I'm doing now

In highschool I was just lost

I lacked accountability for myself

I didnt value Knowledge or grades

It was hard for me to focus

Because I had no purpose I was basically just doing anything

I was self conscious and lacked confidence

Mindfulness is apart of my everyday life

I understand time is valuable

Time management is everything

I would easily give up

Being in college and knowing what I want to do has given me motivation

I"m more confident because I know who I am and what I want to do

My priorities are a million times better with a clear path

I take my routine very seriously, It helps my time management

It keeps me consistent

It allows me to stay less stressed and not get overwhelmed