Study Strategies


You can use retrieval by filling out a study guide (answering from memory). You then could check your answers using notes.

In retrieval practice you try to remember things instead of rereading things which makes sure you understand and remember completely.


Actively calling back information verbally and mentally using things such as flashcards or quizlets


going back and forth in between topics


add an example...I used concrete examples to describe what my marching band sets and pictures looked like to remember what set I was going to and when they happened in the song.


In Spanish when you see these like diagrams for the endings like Amos and stuff

One way I have used Dual Coding is the Mind Map we drew in this class

In my Intro to psych class we’re talking about different parts of the brain and there are images and labels for each part

I like to use it in precalc seeing graphs and being able to apply words/word problems and explanations to the graphs.

Concrete examples are something I use subconsciously when studying, but by purposefully utilizing it, I think I could further understand my topics. I can implement concrete examples especially in essays where I have to utilize examples, such as when I have to write my Criminology paper I can reference local crime examples, which will connect the broad topic of Criminal Justice to Johnson city Tn.

I wrote about a high school in a small town where a school shooting occurred. Following the incident, many students reported symptoms of PTSD, such as flashbacks, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating in class. One student, in particular, who was in the classroom next to where the shooting happened, started experiencing severe anxiety attacks and had to attend therapy sessions regularly. This student's grades dropped significantly, and they became socially withdrawn, highlighting the profound impact that such an event can have on a young person's mental health.

Using these strategies is like...


Three Cups IMG_0525



Teaching someone else about the topic to make more sense of it in your brain

Talking yourself through the material out loud

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If you have a test the next day you can study for it then switch to your homework from another class for a bit before coming back to the test

Interleaving allows you to switch between topics so you don’t get burnt out and when you come back to a topic you can tell what you do and don’t know

You can reinforce other topics by using interleaving and connecting them with common areas from each topic/subject.

Retrieval practice is a way of studying that causes you to engage your memory. A great way to do this is to feel out flashcards and create a game where you answer them.

my example I did was the retrieval strategy and that was with flash cards. I use retrieval with notecards to memorize information.

The web analogy shows how different study strategies fit together to create a uniform, complete and skillful study session.

Retrieval Practice is basically a form of studying in my opinion. It’s a way to make sure you retain the information that you have learned. A good example of retrieval practice would be like a spider web. Say your studying and your covering different areas of the subject, well all the pieces end up fitting together.