Quiz time AR model Prototype (HGRU)

target audience



interaction methods

purpose of AR

AR features

white text to match the logo of the company

contrasts to multicoloured background (pink, blue, puprle)

15-30 year olds

young adults


bold font to make the text stand out

contrasts the background so its easy to read for the impaired of vision

colours to match each topic.

football = red

biology = blue

maths = puprle

planets = black

big, clear font so its easy to read.

e.g "oswald" or "airal"


test the users knowledge on particular topics

fun studying tool for students


between topics and questions

multiple pages/scenes that you can navigate through

animations for buttons

special effects

sounds playing when clicking on buttons etc

different actions take place whether you guess correctly or not

anyone who wants to take a quiz

both male and female (other included)