Facial expression (especially eyes)

Gesture and posture

US: 1) Keep your hands and elbows away from your body, and avoid hand-to-face gestures, throat clearing, fidgeting, and tugging at clothing.

Vocal characteristics

Personal appearance


Time and space

vary by culture

US: 1) Maintain direct, but not continuous, eye contact.

2) Don’t look down before responding to a question, and be careful not to shift your eyes around.

3) Don’t look away from the other person for extended periods, and try not to blink excessively.

2) Don’t lick your lips, wring your hands, tap your fi ngers, or smile out of context.

3) Assume an open and relaxed posture.

4) Walk confidently, with grace and ease.

5) Stand straight, with both feet on the fl oor, and sit straight in your chair without slouching. Hold your head level, and keep your chin up.

US: 1) Avoid speaking in a monotone.

2) Avoid sounding flat, tense, or nasal.

3) Do your best to avoid ahs or ums, repeating words, interrupting or pausing mid-sentence, omitting parts of words, and stuttering

touch can convey positive attributes but can also be interpreted as dominance or sexual interest