healthcare system in sg:
-primary care: 20%. in polyclinics(serve 45-60% of patients with chronic diseases), 80% private GP
-secondary/tertiary care: 20% pricate, 80% SingHealth and National Healthcare
-wellness care: mainly private sector, some public sector involvement eg HPB
-continuing care: 70% public sector, 30% private sector, including community hosp, nursing jomes, hospices etc
keeping healthcare affordable in sg
-govt is mindful of balancing between inculcating personal responsibility and providing for the lower income grps with subsidies
-provision of subsidies is tiered to ensure that the lower income grps receive more support
-in this way, no sgrean is denied access to healthcare
multiple tiers of protection
Subsidies: affordable healthcare--up to 80% at public healthcare institutions
Medisave: personal savings--to pay for smaller healthcare skills
Medishield Life(and other insurance): basic healthcare insurance--to help with larger hospitals and healthcare bills
Medifund: safety net--to provide help to needy Sgreans
with multiple tiers of protection to ensure that no Sgreans is denied access to basic healthcare because of affordability issues