Moll Flanders: old Moll narrates her adventures retrospectively. Born in Newgate Prison as the daughter of a thief, at 14 becomes the maid of a rich family, marries 5 times, has children, becomes a prostitute and a thief, deported to Virginia, becomes plantation owner, goes back to England as a respecatble lady, narrates her story as a warning
information about life, customs and social problems (crime, orphans, high child mortality) of London, women couldn't support themselves legally (they had to get married, but Moll is widowed and too old to remarry, so she is outcast), theft and prostitution were crimes punished with Newgate Prison/hanging/deportation to Virginia
she refuses emotions in favour of economic growth (poverty is a sin, better a thief than poor), rationality, appearances, individualism, restlesness
realistic style with documents, memorandums, letters, hospital bills