Lesson that I have learn : text

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engineering etc.

  1. Computer systems are very much useful in defence field. Computers are largely

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Application of Computer System

Different applications of computer system are as follows:

  1. Computers are primarily used to access the internet.
  1. Computers are helpful in education. Various educational institutions are using

computers to educate the students.

  1. Computers are being used in hospitals to keep record of patients and medicines.
  1. Computers are also being used in government sectors e.g. Income Tax

Department, Sales Tax Department, Weather Forecasting etc. Aadhaar card, PAN

Card, Driving Licence are the best example of computer application in

government services.

  1. Banking is totally dependent on computer systems. Online banking and use of

ATM machines also involved the computer systems.

  1. Computer has a lot of business applications e.g. billing, maintaining employee

records, payroll calculations etc.

  1. Computers are widely used in different fields of engineering e.g. civil

engineering, mechanical engineering, automobile engineering, industrial

engineering etc.

  1. Computer systems are very much useful in defence field. Computers are largely

used in modern weapons and missile control system.

  1. Computer systems are used in planes and ships.
  1. Computer systems are also used in digital marketing and advertisements.