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性别问题 (gender issues) - Coggle Diagram
性别问题 (gender issues)
传统女性的地位 (the status of traditional women)
在家庭里地位低(low status in the family)
俗话说:男尊女卑(men are superior to women)
俗话说:妻子如衣服,兄弟如手足(wives are like clothes, brothers are like siblings)
俗话说:三从四德(three obediences and four virtues)
电影里,四个太太都伺候陈老爷,老爷是家里的中心,他也跟丫鬟有外遇(the four wives all serve Mr. Chen, he is the center of the family and having an affair with the maid)
没有机会参与社会活动(no opportunity to participate in social activities)
俗话说:男主外、女主内(men are the masters outside and women are the masters inside)
电影里,四个太太都在家里,没有事情做,互相伤害(the four wives are at home, have nothing to do, and hurt each other)
无法选择婚姻和爱情(can't choose marriage and love)
俗语:女人应该从一而终(women should stay together forever)
俗语:男怕入错行、女怕嫁错郎(men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man)
电影里,四太太被嫁给有钱的老爷(fourth wife is married to a rich man)
大部分女性的形象是(most images of women are...)
对男人听话,顺从(be obedient and submissive to men)
电影里,老爷喜欢听话的太太,谁听话,老爷就去谁的家过夜( the master likes an obedient wife)
互相嫉妒,不是互相支持(jealousy of each other, not support of each other)
电影里,四个太太为了老爷互相陷害,结果有的死了,有的疯了,没有一个人有好的结果(four wives framed each other for their master, and some of them died, some went crazy, and no one had a good outcome)
只关注外表,漂亮(focus on appearance and beauty)
歌曲:女人花,女人应该像花一样漂亮(women are flowers, women should be as beautiful as flowers)
电影里,二太太为了让老爷喜欢她,想尽办法(the second wife tries her best to make her husband like her)
没有受教育的社会(no opportunity for education)
电影里,只有四太太收到大学教育(only the fourth wife received education)
俗语:女子无才便是德(a woman’s lack of talent is her virtue)
现代女性的地位(status of modern women)
中国的“剩女”现象(China's leftover women phenomenon)
产生剩女的原因?(what causes leftover women)
是性别问题的进步还是后退(are gender issues progressing or regressing)
剩女指什么?(what does a leftover woman mean)
中国十大杰出的女性(top ten outstanding women in China)
她做了什么伟大的事情(what great things she has done)
全职太太(full time housewife)
人们做全职太太的原因(reasons why people are housewives)
为了照顾家庭和孩子,不得不牺牲(someone has to sacrifice to take care of the family)
因为自己喜欢待在家里(like to stay home)
丈夫事业成功,衣食无忧(the husband has a successful career and no worries about food and clothing)
全职太太有哪些挑战(the challenges of being a housewife)
没有社交活动,没有朋友(no social activities, no friends)
家务繁忙(busy housework)
很难重返职场(difficulty returning to work)
没有财务的自由(no financial freedom)
全职太太指什么?(what does a full time housewife mean)
是现代女性的选择(choice of modern women)
不等于传统的家庭妇女(not equal to traditional housewives)
全职太太的日常(daily life of a housewife)
打扫房间(clean the room)
买菜、做饭(buy groceries and cook)
伺候丈夫和孩子吃饭(serve husband and children meals)
辅导孩子学习,接送孩子(tutoring children, picking up and dropping off their children)
全职太太的数据(data about housewives)
全职太太的收入应该是多少(how much should a housewife earn)
有多少人选择做全职太太,她们的学历怎么样(how many people choose to be housewives and what are their academic qualifications)
受教育女性做全职太太是不是浪费?(is it a waste for educated women to be housewives)
不是浪费(not a waste)
是浪费(a waste)
介绍一个参加奥运会的女运动员(introduce a female athlete participating in the Olympics)
她取得了什么成绩(what did she achieve)
她参加了什么项目的比赛(what did she participate in)
女强人(strong woman)
女强人如何体现了女性地位的提高(how strong women reflect the improvement of women’s status)
女性做重要的职位(women hold important positions)
女性的收入提高了(women's income have increased)
女性受到高等教育(women receive high education)
女强人为什么强?(why are strong women strong)
跟男人一样竞争,甚至做高的职位,比方说律师、政府官员、医生等等(compete with men for high level positions)
女强人的挑战是什么?(what are the challenges of being a strong woman)
收入没有男性多(earn less than men)
女强人既要照顾家庭,还要在外面工作(strong women have to take care of the family and work outside the home)
很难得到升职的机会(hard to get promotion opportunities)
难找到工作(difficult to find a job)
面对办公室的性骚扰(sexual harassment in the office)
女强人指什么?(what does a strong woman mean)
走出厨房,在社会上工作,取得成就(get out of the kitchen, work in society and achieve something)
提高性别平等的建议(recommendations for improving gender equality)
性别平等的好处(benefits of gender equality)
对性别平等有什么建议(any suggestions for gender equality)
对男性和女性的刻板印象(stereotypes about men and women)