Functions: fight or flight response, increases HR, increases BP, decreases salivation, dilates pupil, inhibits digestive activity, secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine from kidneys, relaxes bladder
-Preganglionic: short
-preganglionic neurotransmitter released: Acetylcholine
-Span from the thoracic to lumbar portion of the spine
-Stimulation of these results in the smooth muscle contracting which causes vasoconstriction
-Skin and skeletal muscle
-Drugs that block these a-receptors are termed "a-adrenergic blocking agents"
a-Adrenergic blocking agents:
-inhibit vasoconstricting effects
-Decreases BP
-Examples: tolazoline, prazosin, doxazosin (help treat hypertension)
-B1: Causes stimulation of the heart muscle, controls the
-B2: Smooth muscle relaxation,
Drugs w/ this effect can be used to treat asthma
Drugs that block these receptors are termed "B-adrenergic blocking agents"
b-Adrenergic blocking agents:
-Block b-receptors
-generic name ending in "olol"
-Block the effects of what B-receptors stimulate: bronchodilation, tachycardia, and vasodilation