
  1. 4.

25-40 1. 2.


The ability to gain balance and co-ordination occurs at this age group eg riding a bike, skateboard and scooters

Children gain around 2-3kg per year, their growth increasing of 2 inches per year

This age group develops more hand to eye co-ordination and ability

First signs of puberty starts around this age group. Girls breasts can develop at the age of 8. Boys testicles enlarge around the age of 9

. The fine motor skills improve and develop eg drawing and writing, as they master smaller muscle movements


Substance abuse increases and overdose deaths increase significantly between the ages of 24 - 34

We begin to mature ie develop emotional stability

Sexual responsiveness begins a slow decline in the late twenties and into the thirties

Frontal cortex is completely developed - cognitive functions steady

A large percentage of people in this stage begin to start families - therefore infertility diagnoses increase

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  1. Lumen Learning. (2020, August 1). Physical development in early adulthood. Pressbooks. https://pressbooks.nscc.ca/lumenlife/chapter/physical-development-in-early-adulthood/
  1. Nadeem, T. (2022, January 7). Adulthood: phase of Cognitive developments | ILLUMINATION. Medium. https://medium.com/illumination/adulthood-phase-of-mind-boggling-cognitive-and-physical-developments-8870ed9fc6d6

Gross motor skills improve and develop, as children involve themselves in large muscle skills eg running jumping and climbing

Increased diagnoses of endometriosis in women

Cognitive functions peak at around age 35. It then declines for the rest of a persons life affecting our ability to move, as we age

Skin becomes less elastic and wrinkiles start to develop

Physical features start to detoriate during this stage eg hearing loss and poor vision are detected.

Some women become perimenopausal

  1. Morin, A. (n.d.). Physical Developmental Milestones by Age. Www.understood.org. https://www.understood.org/en/articles/coordination-and-motor-skills-what-to-expect-at-different-ages