The same period of speculation over Upanshinads led to rise of Jainism and Buddhism. Founder of Jainism --> Mahavira, born 599 BC and died 527 BC, teachings oppose most of Hindu religious rituals, thinking them unneccessary because people could achieve moksha by giving up all wordly things and controlling actions. Believe everything has a soul and nothing should be harmed. They sweep ants off their paths and wear gauze masks to not kill any insects. Look for occupations that don't harm any creatures, often work in trade and commerce, also vegetarians. Tell truth and avoid stealing, eliminate greed, things thought to prevent moksha. Most devout ones give up possessions and become monks/nuns. Those who are not monks periodically fast. -Tolerant of all religions so they don't try to spread Jainism, resulting in a small amount with almost all living in India.