Short films throughout history


"Powers of Ten"



"Social Media Addiction"

"The big Snit"

What was happening in the mid-80s?


What was happening in the late 70s?



What was happening in the late 2010s?



Technology and Science


show the immensity and infinity of the universe, comparing the scales that each thing has



Technology and Science

absurd attitude of humans

look at the effects that excessive use of social media has on people's mental and social health.


Technology and Science




Technological advances

Recovery from the 2008 financial crisis

Conflicts in the Middle East

NASA Space Exploration

Film as a medium of communication

The second oil crisis was generated

Period of tension in the cold war

Tensions between the USA and the USSR continued to be high.

Rise of neoliberalism

Cinema remained a powerful cultural force

Technological revolution

More importance towards a simple thing than towards a truly important one

Film e.g a simple fight between a couple is placed above a nuclear war.

The film expresses social media as a force that leads to isolation, anxiety, and altered reality.

It emphasizes the contrast between idealized online people and genuine human connections.

the concept of scale is explored through zooming in or out, reaching a very distant point in the galaxy or even the small atoms that make up the human hand

his step by step through different orders of magnitude illustrates the idea that everything is part of a larger context

The film focuses on the idea that we understand things from a certain perspective, highlighting relativity.

However, there were attempts at mediation, such as nuclear disarmament agreements.

High inflation and unemployment

Change in economic policies leading towards neoliberalism

Economic recession in many countries

creating films reflecting tension and trauma caused by war

Continuation with space missions, leading experiments

The new leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev led the USSR to the beginning of policies of openness and reforms such as "Perestroika" and "Glasnost".

Leading to economic restructuring and political transparency

These policies focused on reducing the role of the state in the economy, privatization of industries and deregulation.

Pop and rock dominated the music of the 80s.

Personal computers were becoming more common in homes and offices.

e.g Apple's Macintosh, launched in 1984

The Syrian Civil War continued, with a serious humanitarian impact and the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS).

Despite the time, there were still nations recovering from the 2008 crisis, this was because the recovery between countries was uneven.

Crucial role of social media

Change to streaming platforms

Social networks like Twitter, Instagram, etc., played a role in communication and politics.

Streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify, which changed the way people consumed content.

The rise of smartphones, artificial intelligence and augmented reality began to change everyday life and business

Alejandro Cely - Mariana Cardenas