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ISSUE 1 - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 1: What does citizenship mean to me
: refers to how a person perceives himself/herself, is what a person believes others perceive himself/herself
sense of national identity
comes from a shared belief of connectedness to other citizens belonging to the country
can be expressed in different ways
shaped by common experiences, practices and spaces
: refers to principles and beliefs that are embraced and seen as important by a group of people
shaped by country's heritage, history and experiences (e.g. multiculturalism)
may change over time as citizens respond to challenges faced by the country
contributes towards collective decision making and exercise of judgement (influence attitude, thinking and behaviour)
legal status
: when a person has legal status, he/she is reconised by law as a member of the country
protected by law that should be respected by everyone in the country
freedom and privileges citizens have
duties that citizens are required to fulfil as members of the country
e.g 18y/o male citizens and PRs are required to serve NS
: refers to citizens taking part in public affairs which are matters of general interest or concern to most people in society
involves citizens contributing their time, effort and money to address societal issues, specific needs in society, or interests that they are passionate about and concerned with as
informal/formal community groups
Informal: Mr Nigel Teo and his friends started a mobile application called GoodHood.SG to promote neighborliness by allowing neighbours to connect by asking for or offering help
Formal: SSA (social service agencies) such as "SG enable" which is dedicated to persons with disabilities and promoting an inclusive society. Participants learn how to interact with consumers with disabilities and improve accessibility of products and services for them.
In 2021, a family set up a "free minimart" offering grocery to people in need. Some individuals came forward to donate cash and groceries
take the effort to follow parliamentary debates
Chapter 2: Functions and roles of the government in working for the good of society
The executive
: consist of president and cabinet
implements and enforces laws
formulating and implementing government policies in areas such as education, healthcare, housing and transport
day to day administration of the affairs of state
support from various ministries and statutory boards
The Judiciary
: consists of the supreme court, the state courts, and the family of justice courts
interprets and applies laws
making formal judgements on disputes between individuals and on those between individuals and the government
The legislative
: consists of parliament and president
makes and passes laws
passing a bill which is debated in the parliament and must receive the president's agreement to become a part of Singapore
roles in society
Ensuring the economic and social well-being of citizens
providing goods and services
to the public (usually at no or subsidised costs so all citizens can afford them)
e.g. CPF/SkillsFuture
Promotes and protects a country's national interest
to ensure the country's security and well-being
: the practice of obtaining agreement between countries to cooperate in order to produce results that align with their interests
countries conduct diplomacy to promote common interests and resolve conflicting interest in a peaceful manner
with small, bilateral, multilateral relationships with other countries, Singapore can safeguard and advance its interests
e.g. Bilateral relationship with Malaysia in water security: Singapore draws 250 million gallons of raw water from the Johor river per day. In return, Singapore provides Malaysia with a daily supply of treated water
e.g. Multilateral relationships such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which deepens the economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region, facilitate expansion of trade and expansion in the Asia-Pacific region, increasing business and employment opportunites
: measures taken by a country to discourage potential aggressors and making it costly for aggressors to attack
a country's practises deterrence to protect its security and ensure that it is safe from attacks by another country
e,g, SAF's command and control information system uses AI and data analytics to quickly recognise how an enemy looks, time needed for enemies to reach a strike location etc so commanders can coordinate attacks with greater speed, ease and precision
to deter potential aggressors, Singapore has build the air, land and sea capabilities and defences
Maintain law and order in society
so that people obey the law and behave in an organised and peaceful way
preserving safety and security
ensuring that people obey the law and are protected from harmful acts
ensuring justice
that everyone is treated fairly and equally before the law
Chapter 4: How can we work together for the good of society
Influence decision making in public affairs
making sound decisions to resolve societal problems
The government can provide citizens with equal and fair opportunities to participate and influence public policy decision making
Reaching Everyone for active Citizenry @ Home (REACH), a national feedback and engagement unit under the Ministry of Communications and Information, seeking to engage citizens' views on public policy and listen to their concerns and issues
Citizens (individuals or community groups) can influence decision making in public affairs by sharing their opinions with the governement through engagement platforms and working with the government to craft recommendations based on rigorous discussions and consesus
The Citizens' Jury where citizens are allowed to discuss the challenges Singapore faced with diabetes and offer their preliminary solutions which would then receive feedback and critiques for them to refine their ideas and eventually be presented to MOH
Strengthening citizens's sense of belonging
strengthening the unity and bond among citizens
The government can provide every citizen with a stake in their country affair and structures and funding to strengthen citizens' sense of belonging
Programs such as Remaking our Heartland and HDB's Build-A-Playground, allows citizens to participate in surveys and focus group discussions and workshops to contribute ideas for the design of neighbourhoods
Citizens (individuals or community groups) can play an active role by sharing and building common spaces, experiences and values and building a sense of identity and attachment to the history, people and places in a country
Volunteers from "Between two homes" played an active role in preserving memories of Dakota Crescent, caring for residents involved in the relocation to Cassia Crescent, having weekly house visits and potluck parties
Addressing the needs of society
responding to the different issues and challenges facing different groups in society
The government can create opportunities to show care to those around them by setting up structures and national programs and providing resources in a targeted manner
National council of social services (NCSS) has developed resources to enhance the capabilities of SSA, encouraging seniors to stay active, healthy and engaged
Citizens (individuals or community groups) can offer their knowledge, skills and experiences and initiate new efforts using the resources, programs and structures provided by the government to supplement their efforts to address the needs of society
Mdm Malligesvari volunteers as an instructor for the Age well everyday program (AWE) promoting active ageing and healthy lifestyles for seniorsto reudce the risk of dementia. She teaches seniors how to stay healthy and keep active through brain stimulating activites
Chapter 3: How do we decide what is good for society?
Understanding Challenges
Differing priorities
Different needs and interests
Survival related needs: food, water, shelter etc
Well-being related needs: job etc
things that are directly or indirectly related to the fulfilment of needs
Unequal sharing of costs
Managing trade-offs (making a decision between two/more things that cannot be obtained at the same time due to limited resources
guided by guiding principles which shape governance, helping the government decide what is is important and what should not be compromised
anticipating change and staying relevant
by being forward looking and taking sound action early, minimising threats and maximising oppotunites for citizens
taking vital or early change in anticipation to climate change, a budget of $5 billion set in 2020 for Coastal and Flood protection to meet the significant risk of rising sea levels
ensuring a stake for everyone
so all citizens have a say and are more willing to be involved in promoting the good in society
e.g. having the chance to vote at the age of 21
having good leadership
in the government such as having leaders who are capable, honest and incorruptible
practicing meritocracy
, a system that distributes opportunities so people are awarded according to effort rather than factors such as race, religion or family background
e.g EAGLES award for 10% of students from each school, EDUSAVE good progress award and EDUSAVE scholarship