Time, Place and Significance: The story takes place in August 1946 (end of WW2), in the outskirts of a town in America. The setting throughout the play is in the Keller's home. The setting helps us understand the social scene, where the keller's are friendly with their neighbours and good friends, however much of the neighbourhood has believed that Joe was guilty. We can also understand that at the time, many people were not well off economically, however the Kellers were due to Joe's har work on the business and the plant. The war has recently ended in the time era, so there are many effects that can be seen. For instance, the war led to all the grief that Kate faces, as it took her son, it inspired Joe's actions, and we can see Chris's viewpoint on the war. He believes the war had no effects as nothing changed back home, and realises the legacy of war is just its futility.