Architectural Theory

Historical & Theoretical Foundation

Harry Francis Mallgrave
Architectural Theory: Volume 1, An Anthology from Vitrivius to 1870

  • a comprehensive collection of architectural theories from classical to the early modern times *

Le Corbusier
Towards New Architecture
a foundational text in modernist architecture, advocating for functionalism and the machine for living" concept

John Ruskin
The Seven Lamps of Architecture
an influential work that outlines principles of architecture based on moral and aesthetic consideration

Robert Venturi
Complexity and Contradiction in Archtiecture
Challenges strict ideals of modernism and argues for a more complex, diverse approach to design

Human Centric Approach

Gaston Bachelard
The Poetics of Space
A philosophical look at how spaces affect human emotion and thought, focusing on the intimate experience of spaces

Allain de Botton
The Architecture of Happiness
explores relationship between architecture and human wellbeing

Contemporary Theory and Practice

Kate Nesbitt
Theorizing a new agenda for Architecture : An antology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995
covers contemporary architectural theories and debates from the later half of the 20th century

Bernard Tschumi
Architecture and Disjunction
discusses the relationship between architecture, theory and the concept of disjunction in architectural practice.

Charles Jenks
The functions of style
Analyzes the role of architectural style and its function in conveying meaning and identity.

Andrew Ballantyne
'What is Architecture? : An introduction to Architectural Theory by Andrew Ballantyne
Provides an accessible introduction to key architectural theories and concepts

Design and Critque

Stohr & Sinclair
Design Like you give a damn : Architectural response to humanitarian crisis
examines how archtiecture can address social and humanitarian issues

Sigfried Giedon
Space, Time, and Architecture : Growth of New Tradition
an influential text that outlines the development of modern archtiecture and its historical context

Space , Time and Experience

Exploring how space is percieved and experienced by occupants. This includes concept like spatial organization, and affects of different spatial arrangements.

Spatial Organization
Layout and Flow

Scale and Proportion
Human Scale
Proportional Systems

Perception and Sensory Experience
Visual Perception. Acoustic Perception. Tactile Perception

Light and Shadow
Natural Light . Artificial Light . Shadow Play

Space Syntax
Spatial Configuration

Experiential Qualities

Personal Space. Social Distance

Emotional Impact
Aesthetic Experience

Spatial Hierarchy
Hierarchy of Spaces

Spatial Narratives

Space and Identity
Personal and Collective Identity

Context and Site
Space in relation with larger context

Space and Sense of Place
Space and Place. Spirit of Place. Placemaking

Theory of Aesthetics

Introduction to aesthetics in Architecture , including study of beauty, taste and the philosophical aspects of design. This involves examining visual and spatial appeal.

Beauty and Sublime

Critical Theory and Critique
Explore critical approaches in Architecture , including how to analyze and critique architectural works and theories. This includes post-colonial theory, feminist theory and other critical perspectives.

Concept of Modernity and Post-modernity
Exploring how modern and post modern theories have influenced architectural design, including the break from tradition and embrace of eclecticism and contextualism in post modern architecture.

Phenomenology in Architecture
How architectural spaces evoke sensory experience and the existential experience of space. This includes the impact of materials, Light and spatial orientation on perception.

Context and Site
The importance of context in design, including site analysis, climate, considerations of cultural, political, economic, social and historical context. How building relates with larger context.
Fitting in or Standing Out

Form and Function

Proportion and Scale

Style and Identity

Materiality and Texture


Theories of Aesthetic Experience
Phenomenology - how space evoke sensory responses
Hermeneutics - interpreting the meaning of architectural forms and how they convey cultural/symbolic messages

Minimalism and Complexity

Aesthetic Theories and Philosophies
Kant's Aesthetics - subjective nature of aesthetic judgements
Danto's Artworld Theory - art as concept that transcends mere visual qualities , suggesting on meaning and context playing crucial role in aesthetic experience

Symbolism and Meaning

Spatial Experience and Atmosphere

Architectural Semiotics
study of how signs and symbols are used and interpreted within field of architecture. Understanding of how architectural elements convey meaning both consciously and unconsciously and how those meaning affect our perception and experience of built environments.

Types of Signs
Iconic. Indexical. Symbolic
Symbolism in Architecture

Architectural Language

Cultural and Contextual Significance
Cultural Codes and Contextual Interpretation

Perception and Interpretation
Viewer's reading and Semiotic Reading

Signification and Meaning
Meaning Construction and Multivalence of Signs

Architecture Semiotics in Practice
Design Strategy
Critique and Analysis

Orgins of Critical Theory
Frankfurt School, questioning underlying assumptions and power structures, seeking to understand and address social injustice and inequalities within various disciplines, including architecture.

Dialectic Method
Examining contradictions and conflicts within architectural practices and theories to reveal and address deeper issues.

Post-modernism and Rejection of Modernism
criticism of universalizing tendencies of modernist architecture, advocating to return to historical references and ornamentation.

Plurality and Fragmentation
Diversity. Contradiction and Coexistence of Multiple styles and meanings in architecture.

critiques the notion of fixed meaning and stable structures, advocating for fragmented, non-linear designs that challenges traditional architectural forms.

Feminist Theory
Gender and Space- explore how architectural design reflects and perpetuates gendered power relations and spatial practices. How space excludes or includes gender identities and experience.
Revisiting the Male Gaze : analysis of how traditional architectural practice influenced by patriarchal perspectives.

Post Colonial Theory
Colonial Legacy (how colonial history and power dynamics influence contemporary architecture, including issues of cultural appropriation and representation of indigenous communities)

Social and Political Critique
Architecture and Power (how architecture reflects and reinforce power and social heirarchies. Impact of architecture on class, race and political dynamics.

Space and Society
Examine how spatial organization affects social relations and can either challenge or reproduce social inequalities.

Cultural Critique
Representation and Identity ( critiques how architecture represents cultural identities and values and how it contributes to or challenge narratives.)
Consumerism and Globalization ( how architecture influenced by global economic forces and consumer culture, issues of homogenization and local responses.

Theoretical Paradigms
Modernism vs Post-Modernism ( shift from modernist ideals of rationality, purity and functionality to post-modern themes of ambiguity , irony and eclecticism
Functionalism vs Formalism ( examine the tension between architecture's functional requirement and its formal, aesthetic aspirations)

Architectural Ethics
Ethical Responsibility : in terms of environment, social justice, and well being of humanity.

Architectural Activism : critical engagement that addresses social issues through design advocating for architecture that contributes to positive societal change.

Materiality and Representation
Material Critique ( how material choices and construction methods affect the meaning and experience of architecture)

Representation critique (how architectural representations influence perception of space and design and how they can be critiqued for their underlying assumptions)