Jesus: Muslims do believe Jesus was real. They believe Jesus was a distinguished prophet from God, and acknowledge His virgin birth (Smith, 236). BUT, Muslims deny that Jesus is the Son of God because of Tawheed: God is ONE. God is whole and unified in Himself, and "It is not proper for God to have children" (19:93, Smith, 236). I was watching a video of a Christian interviewing a Muslim, and it was an interesting video. One thing that stood out to me was the concept of salvation. As Christians, because we believe Jesus is the Son of God, lived a holy life, and died for the ransom of our sins, we, who believe are atoned for. Therefore, when a Christian meets God, they enter into heaven because they are covered in the righteousness of Jesus. On the other hand, Muslims do NOT believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but just a prophet. Therefore, in the story of salvation, Jesus does not clear the sins of mankind according to Islamic faith. Therefore, Muslims must atone for themselves by doing good works, and following God's standards, and at the end, God will decide wether to forgive the sins they committed or not and with that, wether they enter heaven.