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(succes criteria, LO (Expert thinking, adaptability and agility,…
succes criteria
I use respect as my value when accepting other opinion
Evidence:during group work i was able to accept my partner oppnion
I use integrity as my value to finish my work on time
Evidence: when working on my work i submited before the due date
I use excellence as my value to finish my work corectly
Evidence:Im doing my best when doing my work
i demonstrate the responsibility when i be aleader
Evidence: Being a good leader by giving a fair job
I respect other people by accepting someone who have adiffrent perspective
Evidence:accepting other opinion
I demonstrate integrity by waking up early when going to school
evidence: never take a late sleep
i share my kowlege to other people by teaching them about the topic
Evidence:explaining new topic in ppkn
I demonstrate respect by be freinds with every one
Evidence:having a lot of freind
I understand and finishing the work by using excellence
Expert thinking
adaptability and agility
Creativity and innovation
audience centered communication