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BitQuery - Coggle Diagram
Metric, using archive database
Conditional Metrics, count(distinct: Block_Number if: { Block: { GasUsed: {gt: "0"}}})
Select by Metric, sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount selectWhere: {gt: "0"})
Count, return the total count of elements in each set of dimensions
Sum, return sum of elements in each set of dimensions
Over Two Variables, of, with
Uniq, estimate the count of unique values in a dataset
Filtering, defined on the Cube element level (Blocks, Transactions, so on) as a where attribute
selectWhere similar to the HAVING clause in SQL, allowing users to filter on aggregated data
statistics, where the latest data does not contribute much value
aggregated queries, like balances, counts, volumes
realtime (default), data from past 48 hours
subscriptions, where realtime dataset is a source of the new updates
query archive and realtime, avoid
Early Access Program (EAP), access to streaming data across various blockchain networks
Query Fact Records
query sub-set, with well-defined filters
Subscription on Facts, subscription tot he results of Query Fact Records
Subscription on Aggregated Metric, subscription to the results of Query Aggregated Metrics
select_blocks, which blocks to include in results
tree, combining trunk and branches
branches, only branched blocks
network, blockchain to query
limitBy, limit the result size for every value of the supplied attribute, good for data sampling
Date & Time
Time(interval: {in: minutes, count: 10})
Date(interval: { in: months, count: 12 })
Time(interval: { in: minutes, count: 10, offset: 1})
mempool, access all infomation about broadcasted transactions, including events, trades, and balances