It is hard to avoid ruts in marriage. A couple begins marriage with a rush of excitement and intimacy. they vow to share everything--their thoughts, their fears, their dreams. then, as months and years pass, their choices and actions begin to follow a predictable pattern. they fail to deal with conflict. ..they erect barriers to protect themselves emotionally....they fail to insulate thier marriage from unhealthy influences in the culture...they allow themselves to become so busy that they find little time with each other. Can you see how the rut begins to form? KG, 69 without realizing it, many couples allow their marriages to drift into a state of isolation. They feel a lack of closeness and intimacy. They share a bed, eat a the same dinner table, watch the same TV, share the same checking account, and parent the same childfen---but both handband and ife feel alone. they have sex, but they don't have love, they livie together, but they don't share life with one another.