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Yahweh (God), Judaism, Victoria Sullivan, Novak, P. (2011). The World’s…
Yahweh (God)
Orthodox: Holds Jewish law as absolute with guidance from Rabbis. Scripture is the absolute word of God carried on through time (BBC).
Conservative: Traditional Judaism without fundamentalist characteristics. Considered middle-of-the-road compared to Haredi and Reform Judaism. Modern inquiry without sacrificing Jewish tradition (BBC).
Reform: Movement originating in the 19th century that incorporates vernacular language in services and omission of practices considered outdated. Scripture is authoritative but not the final authority (BBC).
Sadducees: Supported the religious and political establishment and practicing faith through official institutions.
Essenes: Withdrew from society, which they viewed as corrupt, to pursue their faith independently of the establishment.
Early Prophetic Tradition: Critical figures that point out the ways Israel veered away from God's laws over time. Prophets were usually ordinary men called on by God, who would criticize the ruling elite for leading their people astray (Novak 191-195).
Apocalyptic Prophetic Tradition: An extreme change would come to the world, but first the old world must be undone (Novak 198).
Daniel: Major apocalyptic prophet during the Babylonian Exile
Messiah: Man prophesied to usher in an age of prosperity, peace, and a new political order (Novak 198).
13 Principles: Core tenants of the Jewish faith outlined by 12th century philosopher Moses Maimonides (BBC;
Garden of Eden: Garden which God tasks Adam with tending. (Novak 177-178) 
Tree of Knowledge: Tree that gives whoever eats its fruit knowledge of good and evil. God warns Adam and Eve not to eat from this tree, or they will die (Novak 178).
Eve: First woman. In earlier traditions, she is created at the same time as Adam, in later she is created after him as a companion. Tricked by the serpent into eating the fruit and convinces Adam to do so as well. Cursed with painful childbirth.
Serpent: Trickster who convinces Adam and Eve to eat the Fruit. God curses snakes to be reviled by humans (Novak 178). Sometimes identified with Satan.
Expulsion: Upon eating the fruit, Adam and Eve realize that they are naked, and cover themselves and hide from God in shame. God realizes that they know they are naked, meaning they have disobeyed him. He curses both of them (and their descendants henceforth), then casts them out from Eden eternally (Novak 178-179).
Noah: Man chosen by God to shelter his family and 1 pair of each animal species in an ark during the flood.
The Flood/Deluge: Massive flood sent by God to wipe man's wickedness from the earth. Only those sheltered in Noah's ark survived. God promises that a flood will never be used against his creation again, the first Covenant with Noah (Novak 179).
Abraham: First Jewish Patriarch. Abandoned polytheistic life in his old age for worship of the Hebrew god alone. God promises greatness, and Abraham obeys. Namesake of the term "Abrahamic" to describe Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (BBC).
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First/Solomon's Temple: Great temple built in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant, served as a central location for Jewish Worship (BBC).
Destruction of the first temple:
Solomon's temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and the Israelites were forced into exile.
Novak, P. (2011). The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s religions. HarperOne.