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Infinitive/Dictionary Form: 가다 (to go) - Coggle Diagram
Infinitive/Dictionary Form: 가다 (to go)
Present Tense
Polite Form: 가요 (goes)
Formal Form: 갑니다 (goes)
Plain Form: 간다 (goes)
Past Tense
Polite Form: 갔어요 (went)
Formal Form: 갔습니다 (went)
Plain Form: 갔다 (went)
Future Tense
Polite Form: 갈 거예요 (will go)
Formal Form: 갈 것입니다 (will go)
Plain Form: 갈 것이다 (will go)
Present Progressive
Formal Form: 가고 있습니다 (is going)
Polite Form: 가고 있어요 (is going)
Past Progressive
Formal Form: 가고 있었습니다 (was going)
Polite Form: 가고 있었어요 (was going)
Future Progressive
Formal Form: 가고 있을 것입니다 (will be going)
Polite Form: 가고 있을 거예요 (will be going)
Formal Form: 가십시오 (please go)
Polite Form: 가세요 (please go)
Propositive (Let's...)
Formal Form: 갑시다 (let's go)
Polite Form: 가요 (let's go)
Nominal Forms (Noun Forms)
Noun Modifier (Present): 가는 (going)
Noun Modifier (Past): 간 (went)
Gerund: 가기 (going)
Noun Modifier (Future): 갈 (will go)
Negative Forms
Past Tense
Plain Form: 가지 않았다 (did not go)
Polite Form: 가지 않았어요 (did not go)
Formal Form: 가지 않았습니다 (did not go)
Future Tense
Polite Form: 가지 않을 거예요 (will not go)
Formal Form: 가지 않을 것입니다 (will not go)
Plain Form: 가지 않을 것이다 (will not go)
Present Tense
Polite Form: 가지 않아요 (does not go)
Formal Form: 가지 않습니다 (does not go)
Plain Form: 가지 않는다 (does not go)
Probable Future
Formal Form: 갈 것 같습니다 (seems like will go)
Polite Form: 갈 것 같아요 (seems like will go)
Intentional Future
Formal Form: 가려고 합니다 (intend to go)
Polite Form: 가려고 해요 (intend to go)
Formal Form: 가도 됩니다 (may go)
Polite Form: 가도 돼요 (may go)
Formal Form: 가면 안 됩니다 (must not go)
Polite Form: 가면 안 돼요 (must not go)
Formal Form: 가야 합니다 (must go)
Polite Form: 가야 해요 (must go)
Formal Form: 가는 중입니다 (is in the process of going)
Polite Form: 가는 중이에요 (is in the process of going)
Polite Form: 갈 수 있어요 (can go)
Formal Form: 갈 수 있습니다 (can go)
Polite Form: 갈 수 없어요 (cannot go)
Formal Form: 갈 수 없습니다 (cannot go)
Formal Form: 간다고 합니다 (they say goes)
Polite Form: 간다고 해요 (they say goes)
Polite Form: 갈까요? (shall we go?)
Formal Form: 갈까요? (shall we go?)
"And" (고)
Past: 갔고 (went and)
Future: 갈 것이고 (will go and)
Present: 가고 (go and)
"Because" (때문에)
Past: 갔기 때문에 (because went)
Future: 갈 것이기 때문에 (because will go)
Present: 가기 때문에 (because goes)
"If" (면)
Past: 갔으면 (if went)
Future: 갈 것이면 (if will go)
Present: 가면 (if goes)
"After" (후에)
Past: 간 후에 (after went)
Future: 갈 후에 (after will go)
Present: 간 후에 (after going)
"Before" (전에)
Past: 가기 전에 (before went)
Future: 갈 전에 (before will go)
Present: 가기 전에 (before going)
"While" (면서)
Present: 가면서 (while going)
Past: 갔으면서 (while went)
Future: 갈 것이면서 (while will go)
"Even if" (더라도)
Past: 갔더라도 (even if went)
Future: 갈 것이더라도 (even if will go)
Present: 가더라도 (even if goes)
"While" (동안에)
Past: 간 동안에 (while went)
갈 동안에 (while will go)
Present: 가는 동안에 (while going)
"In order to" (기 위해)
Past: 가기 위해서 (in order to go)
Future: 가기 위해서 (in order to go)
Present: 가기 위해 (in order to go)