Ch.10 Elections & Ch.11 Political Participation and Voting Behavior

The Concept of Elections

Election- citizens choose who will hold power of public office.


General Elections

Methods of Nominating Candidates

Legislative caucus


Direct Primary

Closed and open primaries

Nominating Presidential Candidates

The Allocation of National Convention Delegates

Method and timing of Delegate Selection

Caucus method and state presidential primary


The nomination Campaign

Invisible primary

Nominating Candidates for congress

Electing the President

The Electoral College

Proposals to reform the electoral college

Direct popular election, porportional plan, district plan

The Campaign

Swing states

Financing presidential election

Primary Laws

Runoff primary and top-two primary

Electing members of Congress


Congressional Districts

Multi member, single-member districts



One person one vote

Overlapping terms and staggered elections

Incumbency advantage in congressional elections

Pork barrel benefits

The Concept of Political participation

Forms of political particiaption

The Right to Vote


Voter Turnout

Political system and turnout

voting laws, voter registration, the two party system, election schedules and frequencies

Individual desire and ability to participate

Socioeconomic status, psychological engagement, context, resources, group characteristics

Models of Voting Behavior

The Sociological Model

The Social-Psychological Model

click to edit

The Rational Choice Model

Explaining Voter Choice

Party Identification

Candidate image


Retrospective voting and prospective voting