Earth Science (Earth is only one of many objects in space- a planet among other planets, moons, streaking comets, and fiery stars. The study of all these things is called Earth Science
Geology( research shows that Earth is made of several materials. The materials make up different layers).
Showing Earth on Maps (a map is a model to show all or part of Earth's surface)
Map Basics(includes 1-Map Projections or flat pictures, these shows some things correctly and others incorrectly ,2-Mercator Project, shows the shapes of landmass correctly).
Topograghic Maps (is a map that shows elevations or high and low areas in land)
Earth Structure and Composition (Earth center consist of four layers; crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core).
Plate Tectonics (today's theory of plate tectonics is a more complete picture that includes all the evidence that the continents have moved and are still moving), and Mountain Building( the major force of lifting the land by forces in earth's crust. Moving plates uplift land, forming mountain).
Weathering,( Mechanical weathering or physical weathering, and Chemical Weathering which means the chemical makeup of rocks and minerals). Soil, (it is a mixture of rocks, mineral particles, and organic matter). Erosion(Weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces, these pieces can be swept away through erosion))
Earth History,evidence suggests that Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago.
Oceanograghy (the world's oceans cover almost 71 percent of earth's surface. Although oceans are connected, different parts have names, The Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean).
Ocean Water(ocean water has a salinity of about 3.5 percent)
Ocean Currents(is great rivers of water, that flow through the world's oceans)
Ocean Life Zones(scientists describe the oceans as having 3 life zones; Water, temperature, and pressure)
Ocean Floor(it is the land beneath the oceans)
Meteorology (it is the study of the atmosphere-the blanket of glasses that surrounds Earth, which we could not live with out)
Earth's Atmosphere (it is the mixture of glasses that surrounds Earth)
Weather (it is the conditions of the atmosphere at a particular time and place)
Climate (it is the genera weather of an area over a long period of time, and includes seasonal changes in weather)
Astronomy (it is the study of the planets, stars, galaxies, and all other objects in space)
Motions of the Earth and Moon (all of changes such as the different shapes of the moon and the lengths of daylight and darkness change throughout the year, are caused by motions of Earth and its moon)
Solar System Objects (the solar system includes the sun and all objects in space that are affected by the sun's gravity)
Stars, Galaxies, and Constellations (space is filled with millions of stars and group of stars called galaxies. Stars are objects in space, made of glasses, which produce their own light and heat)