US in th 1920s II

LaFolette - candidate of the Progresive Party in 1924

Coolidge won

his programme

against monopolies

supporting nationalization of railroads

federal aid for farmers

Coolidge's second presidency

pro-business policy: reduced taxes

25% of the national debt paid off between 1923 and 1929

the age of prosperity fo big businesses

huge profit

easy to find jobs

industrial production doubled

Chemical industry

synthetic textiles and plastics developed in the US

no import during WWI

Electricity industry

Automobile industry

Construction business boom

Impact of economic boom on population


The Jazz Age and US Society


Herbert Hoover

steam turbine

hydroelectric plants

electrical household appliances

new methods for transmitting power


private enterprises started radio stations

NBC - National Broadcasting Company (1926)

CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System (1927)

Henry Ford

assembly line

conveyor belt

Model T

affordable and accesible for the masses

stimulates other industries

oil business

road development




side effects


moving from the countrisde to the city

residential building plans


Empire State Building

decreasing working hours

increase in real wages

decrease in unemployment

better working conditions

recreational facilities

pension plans

People falling outside the prosperity

textile towns on New Negland

Southern Piedmont

more money

more leisure

less parental supervision for the young

cinema going

a boom for spectator sports

jazz music

obsession ith tabloids, sex magazines

no change in their social status

wage gap

election of 1928

Republican Party

previous advisor of Harding